Network Conflict with the installation of Windows 10.

  1. Posts : 1
    64 Bit Windows 10

    Network Conflict with the installation of Windows 10.

    Since I've downloaded Windows 10 my Ethernet (wired), connection has been absolutely useless. I'm 100% positive it's not the cable itself, and I've tried lots of things to resolve it. Nothing seems to work. So for the time being I've been using WiFi, it's not all that bad, however I get random disconnects while playing games periodically every 5 minutes for about 2-3 seconds. Not the biggest deal in the world, however when playing MOBAs like League of Legends those 2-3 seconds can literally change the outcome of a game depending on the situation you're in. Plus, this has been happening since the download of Windows 10, and quite frankly I'm sick of it. When using my Ethernet connection, it will work for about 10-15 minutes then just completely drop connection and seize to work. I literally have to reset my router, and computer for it to work again. It's just ridiculous. Can anyone please offer me some advice to fix this? Some drivers I could download, or something within the computer to enable the Ethernet to actually function properly?

    I'm running a 64bit G771J Asus Gaming laptop.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,749
    insider build 10586.3 win10 pro 64

    Hello and welcome to tenforums,,, first thing i would do is go to device manager and try updating the network adapter drivers ,if it say you are using the best drivers ,then delete them ,and reboot computer to reinstall them , the modem may have just picked a bad time to start going bad,do you have other devices connected to the modem ,if so do they also have issues
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    Do the driver update as suggested, then if that doesn't work try running Windows in safe mode and see if the connection still keeps dropping. It not, then some program in Windows is likely causing the issue.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Or instead of updating the driver to the latest - go to the manufacturers website and get the latest driver they have for the network adapter, even it is for Windows 7 or 8 and install the manufacturer's driver. Newest is not always best.
      My Computer


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