Cannot Access Other Computers on Windows 10 Home Network
Hi, I have a desktop and a laptop setup at home, I have recently upgraded both to Windows 10. Both were previously running Windows 7 Home Premium and could identify each other on the network and I could access files on either PC from one or the other at any time.
With the upgrade to Windows 10 I am still able to see the other machine on the local network, but I am unable to access their folders and move files between machines. The error message I get is as follows:
When I run the network diagnosis no errors are detected and it asks me if I want to explore other options.
The full error message is:
I do have shared libraries available across both machines that are part of my homegroup, so I can access the video files in the hard drive of my desktop from my Laptop but only to play them - not to move them around.
I suspect this is either a user validation issue, or a firewall issue and I'm not sure how to go about checking whether this is the case or not.
Any assistance much appreciated.