I have the same problem. I have 4 computers on my Network – Gigabyte-2010 (the main computer), Gigabyte-2016, Compaq all running the latest Windows 10 (Build ending 351) and an ancient Dell running Windows 7. The Dell can access all the files I want it to on any of the computers without a problem via Explorer/Network/The files I require. The other computers can access any of the files on any of the others apart from Gigabyte-2016 which is when I receive the error. (Explorer/Network/ The files I require) The Gigabyte-2016 computer can access the files on any of the other computers. I have had the problem before after Windows update but I have managed to get it working again. This time it has me defeated.
I’ve tried all the suggestions above with no success. I’m not too sure of rizer88 suggestion:
Goto computer you cant access > Properties > Security > Edit > Add > Advanced
Ø Find Now > find “Everyone” > Ok > High lite “Everyone” > Click ‘allow Full Control > Ok out
My closest is go to the Explorer/New Volume (E:) (The files I wish to share)/Properties/Security/Edit/Add/Advanced/Now Find/“Everyone”/OK/Allow Full Control/Apply/OK.
The problem is just the same.
I’m sure I cannot be alone with this problem can anyone help????