Win 10 Connected to internet but blocking acces to application!
Hi everybody,
i am now encountering a series of bugs that i've never seen before in any windows.
OS: Windows 10 Pro official 64
Connection type: Wifi, no firewall activated
Applications impacted: Steam unable to connect, Google chrome unable to connect to install software, Mozilla Firefox same thing, and probably more apps get the same problem but i can download them and install if the installer doesn't have to download anything. It seems like a services that is not working inside windows installer.
I am able to navigate in Microsoft Edge, and some other apps, but unable to install other application, it is like the firewall is blocking the internet acces but the problem is no firewall are activated right now , nothing has been changed to the router settings as other computers on windows doesn't experience that problem. see my screen captures below and i am willing to wait before erasing everything to give you all the chance to understand what is going on here so we can help better peoples having the same issues.
Screenshot 1 : it says check you firewall setting to put chrome to your white list
Screenshot 2 : your download has been interupted, click ok to continue ( nothing has downloaded not even 1% )
Screenshot 3 : it's in English already just read... lol ;-)