Business type workgroup Network

  1. Posts : 146
    Win7 Enterprize

    Business type workgroup Network

    Finally installed Win10 on a computer with raw HD. It installed realtively easy.
    But I can not figure out how to setup a network to see two Win7 computers on a small business type workgroup.
    I disabled Homegroup since I am most comfortable without them. But in trying to setup a network workgroup with my Cisco-Linksys wired router, Win10 just has been searching for 2 hours to do the setup????

    Business type workgroup Network-setup_network_snip_win10.jpgBusiness type workgroup Network-win10_network.jpg
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Doc, even when the Homegroup is not used and you use Home or Work network location (Windows 7) and Private (Windows 8 & 10) you shouldn't need to do anything else than to enable sharing on each Windows rig as shown in this screenshot (from Windows 7, the same settings apply for 8 & 10):

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_02h03_28.png
    (The last highlighted item: you can of course also select Password protected sharing ON, as you wish. I have it OFF in home network.)

    When done, network shows all computers:

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_01h59_50.png

    ... with access to shares on each, here the shares on a Windows 7 Ultimate desktop seen from a Windows 10 laptop:

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_02h00_28.png

    There's no need to create any networks, that's automatic as long as all computers belong to same workgroup and subnet. I'm using Windows firewall on each rig, third party firewalls might need some settings changed.

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_02h26_21.png

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 146
    Win7 Enterprize
    Thread Starter

    Thanks Kari,

    I forgot to set the correct Workgroup name after installing Win-10

    Now I can see the Win7 shared computers and folders :)

    But the Win7 computers can't access the Win-10 computer

    Business type workgroup Network-win_10_system_snip.jpg

    Business type workgroup Network-win-10-tech_no_access.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    You are sure your sharing settings in Windows 10 are correct and that Network Discovery is turned on?

    Check these settings in Private and All Networks in Windows 10:

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_04h18_07.png

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_04h19_09.png

    When done you should have no issues. I can access my shares on this Windows 10 laptop from Windows 7 & 8 machines, both physical and virtual, as well as from Linux machines without issues. Here a Windows 7 desktop accessing shares on Windows 10 laptop:

    Business type workgroup Network-2014-10-20_04h13_08.png
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 25
    Windows 10


    What Linux distro are you using? What version of Samba do you have installed (ver3.x, ver4.x)? Is your Linux PC acting as a Samba client or Samba server in your network configuration?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro


    • CentOS 7
    • Samba is default which will be installed with OS, not on Linux machine now but it must be the latest 4.x version
    • Client only, my server runs Windows 8.1 Pro
      My Computer


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