W10 changes user rights on folders

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  1. jos
    Posts : 33
    W10-pro + W7-pro + XP-pro

    W10 changes user rights on folders

    I am running a multiboot W7-pro and W10-pro with several harddisks build in the computer to discover that after W10 used a disk W7 wants to check it to find no errors. Beside that I am not allowed to delete some folders I created in W7 after using them in W10 and they are set to free for use for everybody. W7 now askes me to get permission from that everybody. I think they mean the W10-everybody. Understand that security is important nowadays but this is becoming a disaster!
    Also discovered that running the backupapplication Cobian (that always did a perfect job in W7) now is not allowd to acces lots of files in W7 anymore after W10 did ?????something??????. Another example: I have two SATA backup 1 Tb Disks I switch every few weeks. W10 refused to see the new one after the first switch. Had to go deep into settings to carefully trying to open its content again as W10 told me zero bytes were used. In the end the 900 Gb data was there again but I have forgotten all the steps needed to fix it.

    My best guess is that beside Microsoft is messing around with accounts and rights to get full control of your computer. They do not want you to be in control yourself anymore and you have to (must) only use W10 in the future.
    I am starting to feel a big fool that upgraded to W10 as I am loosing control over my PC's and home-network day by day!!!!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,477

    Open an elevated command prompt and enter (assuming the directory you have a problem with is "D:\Problem Directory" - otherwise you'll want to change the bit in red...)
    takeown  /f "D:\Problem Directory" /r
    icacls      "D:\Problem Directory" /grant "%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%":(F) /t
    This will take ownership of the directory and then grant authority to the current user. hth
      My Computer

  3. jos
    Posts : 33
    W10-pro + W7-pro + XP-pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks will give it a try but found a workaround by adding a new account to switch ownership to get back in control.
    W10 however refuses to show some of the folders on the backup-disk that were used in W7 evenso the owner is everybody. The first screendump shows that everybody is greyed out and it cannot be changed anyway and the account is not in full control after all. And there is a new long number I never saw before that I can change and is in control. The number can also be found in the registry under HKEY-User.
    I stop this nonsens running W10 by the backdoor and rollback to W7 as there at least I could understand what was happening. Start getting too old for new stuff.
    And another example: I still use Eudora for email. Does all I need. Now after using it some time in W10 without problems W7 cannot start the batchfile I wrote to switch the *.ini files for the two email accounts I use. W7 simply writes: "Eudora.bat does not exist" and shows it in Explorer and I can edit it if I want to. Switching mail *.ini by hand and starting Eudora.exe does work. Back in W10 (grrrr........) now Eudora.bat does run and switches the email *.ini as programmed. Why is W10 changing settings that W7 does not know? Changing name, content and/or user/owner of eudora.bat also does not activate it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails W10 changes user rights on folders-account-1.jpg   W10 changes user rights on folders-account-2.jpg  
    Last edited by jos; 27 Sep 2015 at 08:02.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,477

    You need to click on Geavanceerd ("Go Advanced") and change the owner I think.

    However you do it - though GUI or CMD, you need to take ownership and apply your user to have control.

    I thought to explain CMD was easier than GUI is all.

    SID s-1-5-21 are users. The fact it has a GUID not your name means your system doesn't know who it is. Presumably your old system. You can delete it through the GUI if you want.
      My Computer

  5. jos
    Posts : 33
    W10-pro + W7-pro + XP-pro
    Thread Starter

    Thank you for the details and got it working again like usual. Keep it in mind for you never know.
    I will stop testing W10 and wait until December to give it another try........
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,477

    OK, remember takeown and icacls and then you needn't worry about authority...
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1

    Hi halasz,
    You are great. I searched for solutions to change multiple ownership but your 2 line code worked as a wonder and better than all solutions. Thanks for your help to us all.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,477

    You are welcome :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,101
    Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10, Linux, Android, FreeBSD Unix

    halasz said:
    Open an elevated command prompt and enter (assuming the directory you have a problem with is "D:\Problem Directory" - otherwise you'll want to change the bit in red...)
    takeown  /f "D:\Problem Directory" /r
    icacls      "D:\Problem Directory" /grant "%USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%":(F) /t
    This will take ownership of the directory and then grant authority to the current user. hth
    Have a question, do I still need to do the icacls line if it's not a network shared folder?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 5,477

    Almighty1 said:
    Have a question, do I still need to do the icacls line if it's not a network shared folder?
    If you don't have authority, yes. takeown takes ownership while the icacls grants authority. You could be the owner and not have authority to do what you want or alternatively you could have the required authority without being the owner.

    For example if you wanted to delete some folder that was owned by TrustedInstaller or System (like Windows.old or found000 directories) then taking ownership is not enough as you wouldn't have authority to delete (normally full control).

    You could do the same thing through the GUI on "properties" > "security" > "advanced".

    Here you would change owner to yourself and click apply but you still may not have authority to do what you want if you are not in the list of users/groups.

    Then you would have to click on "Change Permissions" > "Add" and then add yourself with full control and click apply.

    Depending on the original authority you may not be allowed to change it without taking ownership first.

    In this situation I think command line is easier than the GUI but it does the same.
      My Computer


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