Lost connection to DNS server...

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  1. Posts : 63
    win10 Pro 64bits

    Lost connection to DNS server...

    This happened after desinstalling Bittorrent which was bugging...
    It's on my PC, using ethernet, my laptop and my phones connect perfectly (wifi)
    The troubleshooter says : "computer appears to be correctly configured but the device Detected or resource (DNS server) is not responding"
    I tried everything advised on the support.microsoft page : Try these things first to help you fix or narrow down the connection problem, but to no avail
    Dunno where to go now..... my hope is in you !!!!!
    Version 21H2
    OS 19044.2728
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,568
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    In this video, i will guide you on how to reset TCP/IP to help restore Windows internet settings back to their default state.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 63
    win10 Pro 64bits
    Thread Starter

    Thanks FreeBooter, I did this already and all which figures on the Microsoft support page :
    Did not work !
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,057
    Windows 10 Pro for the Bro

    Go to the DNS settings of your Ethernet connection.

    Lost connection to DNS server...-image.png

    1) Go to Network Connections
    2) Double click Ethernet
    3) Double click Internet Protocol Version 4
    4) The orange box all the way on the right in the picture. I'm using some custom DNS server, I don't even remember what it is. Whoops. I double clicked my Ethernet options; I'm using WiFi on this PC. The current DNS I'm using is: (I have no clue what this one is either. I forget things), and the alternate I'm using is: Google's DNS:
    5) Press the OKs and see if the internet works. If not, restart the computer and see if the internet works.

    More updated picture:
    Lost connection to DNS server...-image.png

    Edit: DNS: dns - Search
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,568
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    Uninstall and reinstall network card driver.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 63
    win10 Pro 64bits
    Thread Starter

    Thanks pepanee, I first tried with the 8s, then saw your updated picture and tried with both the 9s and the 8s
    Restarted after both tries... but I'm back to square one

    FreeBooter : Uninstall the Ethernet network adapter driver and restart. is also part of Microsoft's advice - did not work for me
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,568
    Windows 11 Pro 64-bit

    In this video, i will show you how to do a repair install of Windows 10 by performing an in-place upgrade without losing anything.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    From a cmd prompt type

    ipconfig /all

    post results
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 63
    win10 Pro 64bits
    Thread Starter

    General failure :(

    Thanks Samuria
    Here are the results :
    Lost connection to DNS server...-general-failure.jpg

    I wonder whether it's some virus...
    Malwarebytes quarantined 2 items and Avast gives a clean bill... but still...
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    Set DNS to + 1.0.0 1
    From CMD prompt type

    Post results

    Avast often gives these problems uninstall and there is often a tool on their website to clean up
      My Computer


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