VPN Issue

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  1. Posts : 3,099
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    Callender said:
    That hiding your ip doesn't prevent you from being tracked or sites knowing who you are in many cases.

    RE: VPN Leak. I've never used one that didn't leak.

    Tool to test:
    Free VPN Test Tool for Windows

    Leave it running for a while when you are browsing.

    Anyway for me it's good enough to encrypt DNS. — The free app that makes your Internet faster.

    The Technical Challenges of Building Cloudflare WARP

    If I need some privacy or need to stream region locked content I'll use TOR network (Not TOR browser).

    DragonFruit Network - works with any installed browser.

    Download OnionFruit Connect - MajorGeeks

    To use a VPN at all times just screws up/ slows down browsing and you cannot say for sure what he operator does with your data.

    There are uses for VPN's but don't fall for the marketing that suggests that you should use them 100% of the time.
    To avoid geting tracked you first have to inactivate third party cookies.. Then you need a script blocker and Cross-tab identity leak protection.. then resist fingerprinting and other web browser settings.(Firefox in my case)

    as i use Linux i can not run that VPN Test Tool.
    But to humor you i did test to install it on my VM and ran it for 10minutes.. and i had a green symbol No dns leak after testing it a while.

    as for using Cloudflare DNS.. no-way. i use an protected DNS that is run by the VPN company i use.

    Free app??? nothing is free.. if it is free, you are the product.

    I do not experience slow internet browsing even that i use both IPS and VPN
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 281
    Windows 10 Pro

    Callender said:

    You don't need to use some shady ass tool you need to download. Just go here: https://www.dnsleaktest.com/

    Browsers have fingerprints so you best use a browser that handles that or you run a proxy tha manipulates the HTTP packets on the fly. I know you use LibreWolf so that's good I guess.

    Browserleaks - Check your browser for privacy leaks

    Cover Your Tracks
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,099
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    F22 Simpilot said:
    You don't need to use some shady ass tool you need to download. Just go here: https://www.dnsleaktest.com/

    Browsers have fingerprints so you best use a browser that handles that or you run a proxy tha manipulates the HTTP packets on the fly. I know you use LibreWolf so that's good I guess.

    Browserleaks - Check your browser for privacy leaks

    Cover Your Tracks
    I like the browserleaks.com.. I had not seen that one.. really good tools.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,597
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Just for info:

    Anonymizing my ip address
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 (22H2)
    Thread Starter

    pardon my newbieness (as stated in the op), all this vpn negative criticism and security concerns, I ask why would windows provide vpn in Settings?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,597
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Typically that's intended for businesses running their own network (and own VPN) to allow users to connect remotely to the office.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,597
    22H2 64 Bit Pro
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 (22H2)
    Thread Starter

    Callender said:
    Typically ...
    ok - however, all the MS-source literature I've encountered indicate it's also for 'all that other stuff' discussed here.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,597
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    It all boils down to "what do you need one for?"

    The marketing blurb tries to persuade you that you need one but generally you don't unless you are doing something shady or need to access region locked content or maybe bypass restrictive laws in your country of residence.

    If you feel comfortable using a VPN 100% of the time then go for it but most experts (that are not pushing VPN sales) would only advise usage for specific reasons keeping the VPN disabled the rest of the time.

    Anyway there's a reasonable guide here:

    VPN: Everything You Need to Know in 2023 | RestorePrivacy

    The reasons I use one are:

    Access geo locked content. That's all. I never use one at any other time. DNS is encrypted (prevents ISP snooping anyway).

    Cookies and site data are cleared on the fly when browsing.

    If I have real privacy concerns I use Onionfruit Connect (rarely needed but also works for streaming region locked content like movies).
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7,597
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Anyway have a go at this test:

    Cloudflare Browser Check | Cloudflare

    My results (not using a VPN)

    VPN Issue-cloudflare-browser-check-librewolf.jpg
      My Computer


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