"Enter Network Credentials" ??

  1. Posts : 55
    Windows 10 Anniversary (Pro)

    "Enter Network Credentials" ??

    I have an Ubuntu computer on my LAN with a couple of drives shared by Samba. The samba.conf file lines for these drives include "guest ok = yes". When I go to my Windows 10 PC File Explorer and double-click on the computer name under "Network", I get this:

    "Enter Network Credentials" ??-enc.jpg

    I've tried my PC's passwords and my Ubuntu computer password, but nothing works. Which network credentials is Windows asking for?

    When I click on "Cancel" the password prompt disappears and the share is opened.
    Why am I getting this password prompt?

    As you can see from my image, I have other computers on the network. They don't ever ask for network credentials.

    Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    I assume you have enabled SMB1 on your Windows computer because that is required for a network containing a non-Windows device.

    If you click on the More choices link, can you enter both the target computer's admin UserName as well as it's password [i.e. not just the password]?
    That's what it is asking for and what I would expect to get you through but I've never had to do it myself.
    I have an Admin account with the same UserName & the same password on every computer so that's what I use.

    I'm not much help with network faults. I've never had any so have not developed the necessary skills.
    I avoid network setting up problems by using this checklist. It has never failed me.
    A consolidated network setup checklist for Windows 10 and 11 - my post #4 - TenForums

    Best of luck,
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 55
    Windows 10 Anniversary (Pro)
    Thread Starter

    Thanks. "I have an Admin account with the same UserName & the same password on every computer so that's what I use." Same here. I am too old to remember unique passwords on servers that won't ever be exposed through a firewall. Of the other computers, one is a Raspberry Pi and the rest are Intel NUCS or other mini-PC's. Only this one demands a login. I did realize a difference in this particular computer. It is running Ubuntu 18 and the others are running Ubuntu 22.

    Not a big deal- just an annoyance. I think Windows hates networking.
    Thanks for the checklist.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 33,822
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    SteveMann said:
    I have an Ubuntu computer on my LAN with a couple of drives shared by Samba. The samba.conf file lines for these drives include "guest ok = yes". When I go to my Windows 10 PC File Explorer and double-click on the computer name under "Network", I get this:

    "Enter Network Credentials" ??-enc.jpg

    I've tried my PC's passwords and my Ubuntu computer password, but nothing works. Which network credentials is Windows asking for?

    When I click on "Cancel" the password prompt disappears and the share is opened.
    Why am I getting this password prompt?

    As you can see from my image, I have other computers on the network. They don't ever ask for network credentials.
    You are getting the password prompt because Windows is trying to connect as a user named Steve with the password you've signed into Windows with. This doesn't match an account on the Ubuntu machine. For the other PCs it apparently does match an account on the other machines, so you don't get challenged.
    Any ideas?
    Click 'More choices'. You can now choose another account to use to connect. If you choose Guest ans save the credentials for later use you will connect as Guest to the Ubuntu machine, and should always connect as Guest from now on without a password challenge.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 33,822
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Try3 said:
    If you click on the More choices link, can you enter both the target computer's admin UserName as well as it's password [i.e. not just the password]?
    That's what it is asking for and what I would expect to get you through but I've never had to do it myself.
    I've had to use it. Yes, that's exactly what you should do. You can choose any account and password that exists on the machine you are connecting to. You will connect with the permissions that account has on the remote machine. If you tick the box to save credentials you will use that account/password every time you try to connect to that machine from now on.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 17,092
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    SteveMann said:
    I did realize a difference in this particular computer. It is running Ubuntu 18 and the others are running Ubuntu 22.
    I suggest you recheck your network computers' Usernames & passwords. I think there might be a difference after all. Bree has confirmed that he has done what I suggested you do.
    SteveMann said:
    I think Windows hates networking.
    I have seen others say that but I have never had a problem.

    Best of luck,
      My Computer


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