Network connection off

  1. Posts : 55
    Windows 10 LTSC (version: 1809)

    Network connection off

    Greetings here,
    My Windows Version
    Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC Version 21H2 Build 19044.2364
    This machine loses connections and after reconnects again a few minutes after.
    what i did:

    I changed ethernet cables . I changed to another switches. also tried other users ethernet cable. reinstalled a windows too. uninstalled network driver and installed it from manufacturer site. i changed speed to full duplex 10 mb.

    any idea to solve this error?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,515
    windows 10

    full duplex 10 can be the problem it sends and recieves at the same time often home routers cant cope and it will drop packets what speed is it connecting at?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,025
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    did you really meant 10Mbit or did you mean 10Gbit?
    10Mbit i have not heard anyone use that for the last decade or two on network-cards.

    what is the cable marked with Cat 5, 5E, 6, 7??

    check your power-savings settings for the network adapter so it isn't set to green savings or something similar. (even in Bios some manufacturers has green Lan)
    How long is the cable from the computer to the switch. I'm guessing that is the one you have switched out... and between switch and modem/router/media-converter? or has others on the same switch full speed? so we can rule it out that way... if not does the switch lose the connection to the modem/router/media-converter. (if you are observant if the tiny led-diodes stops flashing or goes black)

    It is hard to give specifics, out of your post info.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 831
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    did you really meant 10Mbit or did you mean 10Gbit?
    10Mbit i have not heard anyone use that for the last decade or two on network-cards.
    I think he is alluding to a bad cable, Old and having a couple of broken strands of wire inside
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 55
    Windows 10 LTSC (version: 1809)
    Thread Starter

    I tried to set to 10 Mbps because i tried all above mentioned. I tried different ethernet cables too UTP Cat5E. I changed other ethernet wall outlet port like o shown below screenshot.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Network connection off-speed.png   Network connection off-netwww.png  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,515
    windows 10

    What other option on the network card as it's still set as full duplex
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,025
    Linux:Debian, Kali-Linux... 2xWin8.1,2x7Pro, Retro:1x2003server.1xXPpro, 1xW2k,1x98SE,1x95,1x3.11

    as for the picture of the network socket.. that one isn't the cables pressed down on so they connect as they should.
      My Computer


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