Run program located on different shared network computer

  1. Posts : 59
    Win 10 Home 64-bit

    Run program located on different shared network computer

    My Win 10 desktop is able to view and access documents located on a shared networked Win 11 laptop, but is it possible to actually run a program from the Win 11 computer on my desktop without additional software? Remote Desktop isn't available for Win 10 Home on the desktop.

    Thanks for your attention! This questioned is motivated only by curiosity, since the two computers are nearly side by side.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4,176
    Windows 11 Pro, 24H2

    To actually run an app on the Win 10 Desktop you would need to install it on the actual Win 10 system. The only exception that might possibly work is that some so-called "portable" apps that don't require installation might work. So, that's still a "maybe", depending upon the app.

    However, even though Windows Home does not have Remote Desktop, there are free equivalents such as various VNC apps that work much like remote desktop. With VNC you have two components: The Server and the Client. Install the Server Component on the machine you want to control from a remote system (your laptop in this case), and the client on the other system (the Win10 desktop). You can then remotely access the laptop and run the application. Note that the app would still be physically running on the laptop, but you can see it and interact with it, just as with Remote Desktop.

    Just search on VNC and you will find a number of options (some are free, some are not free).
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 59
    Win 10 Home 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you! I appreciate the informative reply, especially how the program would actually run. I may check out some alternatives to Remote Desktop, e.g., AnyViewer as well as others.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 4,176
    Windows 11 Pro, 24H2

    Thanks, Gini. If you have any more questions regarding this, please let me know.
      My Computers


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