Time Sync

  1. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546

    Time Sync

    The Importance of Time Synchronization for Your Network

    In modern computer networks, time synchronization is critical because every aspect of managing, securing, planning, and debugging a network involves determining when events happen. Time also provides the only frame of reference between all devices on the network. Without synchronized time, accurately correlating log files between these devices is difficult, even impossible. Also:

    Tracking security breaches, network usage, or problems affecting a large number of components can be nearly impossible if timestamps in logs are inaccurate. Time is often the critical factor that allows an event on one network node to be mapped to a corresponding event on another.
    To reduce confusion in shared filesystems, it is important for the modification times to be consistent, regardless of what machine the filesystems are on.
    Billing services and similar applications must know the time accurately.
    Some financial services require highly accurate timekeeping by law.
    Sarbanes-Oxley and HIPAA Security Rules both require accurate timestamping.

    Download Time Sync - Vovsoft
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 1,463
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64 bit

    My systems automatically sync. It is part of Windows.

      My Computer

  3. NTN
    Posts : 969
    W10 19045.2546
    Thread Starter
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 9,810
    Mac OS Catalina

    "The problem of wrong time is common, when you are using dual boot configuration. It mostly occurs when you use Linux with Windows in your dual boot setup."

    Fix: Windows 10 time is wrong

    Of course can be wrong if using a VM, dual boot. As usual, just some more clickbait without substance.
      My Computer


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