Like f14tomcat and HyppsieGypsie wrote, Arris is a manufacturer of physical cable modem that some cable modem ISP like Comcast or Spectrum (formerly Time Warner Cable) use.
From Power pole to house, it's just a standard cable TV type coaxial cable that is connected to the Arris cable modem. Per modem, it carries 16 channels at around 570 to 700 MHz. Theoretically it can provide 1.2 Gbit/s of bandwidth (DOCSIS 3.0) per wikipedia DOCSIS - Wikipedia
I'm pretty sure that from the source to network switches near our block, it's run by fiber optic cables.
At home, we only use WiFi 100% of the time which is enough to provide over 300 Mbps throughput for 70% of our house area.
How exactly do you write the internet speed? Here's mine: Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test
If you mean to post it, capture with Snipping tool (or other programs), save it to file, then use the "Insert Image" tool in the editing bar/ribbon at the top of the "Quick Reply" editing box.
Attachment 161875
From the FAQ link at the top of each forum page: Reading and Posting Messages
Unbeknownst to me why it doesn't work for me.
Attachment 162135
Attachment 162136
Attachment 162137