Hi there
Wifi test with laptop old wifi card 2.4GHZ (I've also got one with 5GHZ band)
5GHZ Wifi speed test -- note the difference -- funnily enough the upload speed is slower on the 5GHZ band !!! --any gurus here who can say why. Still with crummy wifi card - one of the first that could do both 2.4 and 5 GHZ. Same laptop.
I'll do the direct connect later but for Wifi can't complain -- I could get more with a decent wifi card too.
Some of the results I've seen posted have HUGE variations between up and download speeds --with CABLE I would have thought they should be roughly similar. The other thing is it would be nice to know when doing the tests if you are using a WIFI connection or direct LAN to your router / WAN.
Wifi posters too -- could they state whether 2.4 or 5GHZ band used too --then we can get some sort of meaningful comparisons -- download into a spreadsheet and see best value for money.
I don't believe those in the 600 Mbs are using Wifi !! -- if so I'd love to know what cards they are using.
Last edited by jimbo45; 27 Apr 2016 at 08:38.
Hi all
When I see some of the price (and Caps) of some of the USA posters here - I'm really glad to say at least "in the middle of the Pond" I get a much better deal -- 35 EUR - unlimited usage with Optical Fibre -- no copper at all with max of 550 MB/s ---. I'm actually quite satisfied with the Wifi speed I get (posted earlier) as that's plenty OK for my NAS multimedia streamers. When full 4K UHD streaming becomes available - then I'll probably switch to LAN !!
I see also in a lot of W.Europe for people who want slower (but still reasonable) speeds there are some good deals to be had -- FREE for 6 - 12 months (but you have to read the small print as there's usually a "Line Rental" for a fixed phone - around 20 EUR a month extra).
I suppose with smaller land masses than USA it's easier to get competition so there's no monopoly provider -- there are 3rd party service providers too who "Block buy" time from the Cable infrastructure provider too (rather like Charter Airlines leasing space in aircraft they don't own).
I'd still like people to distinguish when posting speeds between hard wired LAN and Wireless - and on wireless whether they are using 2.4GHZ or 5 GHZ Band.