network 2 and wi-fi w10 new up dated

  1. Posts : 92

    network 2 and wi-fi w10 new up dated

    i have a pc that is on wi-fi only no ethernet cable connected
    we can turn on the comp and it will connect to wi fi and get speeds 650 down and 45 up , but at times it will connect to network 2 ethernet and become very slow like .20 down . 3 up .
    and looking at the connections it says it is connected to both wi fi and ethernet
    i have to restart to get it back to wi-fi only
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,472
    windows 10

    Its not clear does the pc have cable and wifi but you only use wifi? You say it connects to wifi2 what do you mean is that a wifi network or a cable connection?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    Please post screenshots of
    1 Settings, Network, Network & sharing centre
    2 Settings, Network, Network & sharing centre, Change adapter settings

    Please post both diagrams during normal conditions and during fault conditions].

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 92
    Thread Starter

    It has wi-fi only no cable is connected but at times it will say it is connected to wi-fi and ethernet, but it cant be with no cable going to it
    when it does this the internet get slow very slow
      My Computer


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