Router Disconnecting Inexplicably

  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 64-bit Home Ver 2004 (Build 19041.450)

    Router Disconnecting Inexplicably

    Recently my (NETGEAR) router just started disconnecting on its own. After a few minutes, it reconnects.

    I know it's the router, and not the ISP/cable modem. I have owned my own modem and separate router for years, and when the ISP (Comcast) disconnects, I am still able to access my router's web admin address ( and see that the ISP is disconnected. With this shutdown, the router's web interface can not be accessed.

    Other info: I recently (about 6 months ago) returned to connecting my own machine via Ethernet cable rather than WiFi, whereas all other devices connect wirelessly. Not that this should matter.

    I also had installed PRTG network monitoring software after Comcast said I was nearing my bandwidth limit (never happended before) and they coincidently said they would charge high dollar fees for small overages. I uninstalled it when this started happening, but it continues to happen.

    The family thinks that malware is in a computer affecting the router, or in the router itself. I don't see how the router firmware could be altered, but I suppose it's possible a device might affect the router (?)

    Has anyone seen this problem?

    How do I go about tracing the problem?

    I should note that I will be getting a new machine on Monday, a desktop this time (I have not lifted my laptop off its cooling platform in at least 5 years). The net reviews seem to circle on Acer Aspire as a good desktop in the $500-1000 range for 2021, good for web dev application work and less-than-intense video streaming. My 9-year old ASUS G74SX has served well and will get a gold watch with retirement. Since I will be transferring the system, I don't suppose I can hope to see if the new machine will stop the router from disconnecting.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Have you checked Netgear for firmware updates for your router? Have you tried restarting the router? How about reseting it?

    First log in to the router and see if you notice anything unusual like devices connected to the router you don't recognize.
      My Computer


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