How can I force wifi to reconnect - remotely

  1. Posts : 14
    win 10 pro

    How can I force wifi to reconnect - remotely

    When my laptops lose wifi signal for any reason (eg power outage, ap reboot) they do not try to reconnect again when WiFi is back unless I am actively using the machine 'locally'. The problem for me is I do not use the machine locally I RDP to it over the internet (like a terminal server), if wifi drops for any reason it will never come back until I go home and log into the machine from there (sometimes it will reconnect as soon as I login, sometimes I have to login and click reconnect)

    The issue is not wifi dropping, it doesn't happen often but its unavoidable and will happen from time to time and means I lose an entire day of being able to connect back.

    What I would like to do is schedule a task to run every 15 minutes to check if wifi is connected or not, I found we can connect using netsh wlan commands, but not sure how to check first if the connection is already active - I just tested the netsh wlan connect command, it does infact disconnect then reconnect the connection which is going to make matters worse.

    win10 ver: 1909
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    Hello flamer at welcome to tenforums ,
    Have you tried setting up the WiFi connection to auto connect if the corresponding WiFi signal is available? That works for me. If you can't get that resolved, is ethernet cable an option?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14
    win 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    steve108 said:
    Hello flamer at welcome to tenforums ,
    Have you tried setting up the WiFi connection to auto connect if the corresponding WiFi signal is available? That works for me. If you can't get that resolved, is ethernet cable an option?

    Hello thanks for the welcome! yes auto connect is already enabled unfortunately.

    I suspect the issue is transparent to most people as they would be actively using the machine, you could test it like so, if my suspicions are correct itw ill fail for everyone in the same scenario:

    Get two laptops both connected to the same wifi network, start a ping to laptop B from laptop A, set laptop B to never sleep/hibernate, close the lid on laptop B, the ping should continue to respond. Reboot the wireless access point, the ping will fail, laptop A will rejoin the wifi (and internet access would be restored) but ping to laptop B will still fail, and will continue to fail until you open the lid on laptop B which triggers it to rejoin the wifi.

    I do agree with you though, a wired connection will almost certainly solve this too, I don't quite have the space to do that at the moment but in the future I may.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    How to connect to a Wi-Fi network on Windows 10 | Windows Central

    "Use the drop-down menu and select when to re-enable and re-connect:

    In one hour.
    In four hours.
    In one day."

    Is this potentially the solution? Let me know if you try it.
      My Computer


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