Strange Data Usage

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Strange Data Usage

    Recently I have been reaching my data limit for internet usage even though there is really no reason I should be doing so. According to my data usage logs, the system is using 600GB per month. I added up all of my updates over the last 30 days and it isn't anywhere near the 600GB it is using. I am kin of lost as to what to do to fix this. Also, Yes, it is a metered connection.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,621
    Windows 10 Home

    Any Windows Prime programs or utilities, any 3rd party programs or utilities, that just might be doing internet ins/outs along with the Windows Updates? Get the free version of Glasswire (at least it has a trial period if not free), monitor the ins and outs of the internet usage, you might be surprised.
      My Computer


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