SMBv1 and Windows 10 (network attached storage)

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  1. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Railtech said:

    I agree with you on this point. Problem is that not everyone is comfortable with taking on a project like that so for them an off the self device is the perfect solution. For these folks they only need to learn to work with what they have. Either way, problem solved.
    Hi there

    Two Linux Cheap "Home made NAS systems" with 100% connectivity to W10.

    SMBv1 and Windows 10 (network attached storage)-nwgg.png

    I'm sure people these days with a bit of googling could do it too !!! -- The Linux boxes were on their way to a tip - some I.T office decided they were "too old" so I "rescued them"!!.

    So cost to me was ZILCH -- I had to add my own HDD's but no problem.

    OK a bit of a learning curve - a few installs etc but so what - especially these days in lockdown - time isn't a commodity most people are short of !!.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 494
    Win 10 Pro x64 versions


    Looks like you have a good solution.

    Here's a look at mine:

    Three Linux based systems all mapped as network locations giving instant access.
    SMBv1 and Windows 10 (network attached storage)-networked-devices.png

    Another solution is this, a Windows Storage Spaces drive pool that is shared over my LAN.
    SMBv1 and Windows 10 (network attached storage)-shared-ss.png

    Getting whats available to work is just a matter of learning how. User built solutions are great too. At the end of the day there are solutions out there, the user only needs to decide which one is for them and learn to use it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I backed up my files to a HDD. I removed the Drobo's from my network and I'm currently looking through suggestions.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I've decided to use the Synology DS1821+ NAS
    I believe it uses SAMBA so I'll map the drive letters as said in a previous post. I could've done this on the Drobo but Synology has better documentation on files, shares and security.
    I've already downloaded most of what they had and I'm reading through it.
      My Computer


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