WiFi Drops Out -- Solution

  1. Posts : 20
    Windows 10 v2004, build 19041

    WiFi Drops Out -- Solution

    Back in January I posted the same topic: problem receiving wifi in several places around the house, away from the router. Thanks to the responses I thought I solved my problem when I purchased an Extender (TP-Link w/1). Reception did seem to improve, wifi drops seems much less. But the past month it seemed to be going the other direction. I would see -62 to -72 on Wifi Analyzer for the router, and -40 to -45 for the Extender.

    The solution I found said that when moving around, the router signal is used, then the laptop may switch to the Extender if reception gets poor. But it doesn't always do that. The solution is two fold. 1) turn off automatically connect to the router, then, 2) give the Extender a SSID (using the same password as the router) and connect to that. My Extender shows up on WA as routername_2.4GEXT.

    I never saw this mentioned in the Extender's material, nor recall seeing it posted anywhere else. Maybe this can help someone else.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21,421
    19044.1586 - 21H2 Pro x64

    asallwey said:
    Back in January I posted the same topic: problem receiving wifi in several places around the house, away from the router. Thanks to the responses I thought I solved my problem when I purchased an Extender (TP-Link w/1). Reception did seem to improve, wifi drops seems much less. But the past month it seemed to be going the other direction. I would see -62 to -72 on Wifi Analyzer for the router, and -40 to -45 for the Extender.

    The solution I found said that when moving around, the router signal is used, then the laptop may switch to the Extender if reception gets poor. But it doesn't always do that. The solution is two fold. 1) turn off automatically connect to the router, then, 2) give the Extender a SSID (using the same password as the router) and connect to that. My Extender shows up on WA as routername_2.4GEXT.

    I never saw this mentioned in the Extender's material, nor recall seeing it posted anywhere else. Maybe this can help someone else.
    Hello asallwey and welcome to TF ,

    Thanks for sharing your idea.
      My Computer


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