connect 2 win 10 deices using the same wifi network

  1. Posts : 2
    Win 10 Pro

    connect 2 win 10 deices using the same wifi network

    I've read all the different posts on this and followed all the directions. I want to share files between my HP desktop using Win 10 Pro and my Acer laptop using Win 10 home. My problem seems to be 2-fold...or they may be different issues.

    My PC does not show up in devices on my laptop. When I try to add the device it shows up but it when I select the PC it displays "does this passcode on HP ENVY match this one". If I select no it stops, if I select yes it tells me it is the wrong passcode. Where is this passcode coming from and how can I change it?

    The other option I have tried is on my laptop under Network. The HP Envy shows up. When I select that it asks for my credentials. I never use a password to login using a code instead. To make matters worse the credentials manager stopped saving my passwords and of course I don’t remember it.

    Suggestions? As an FIY I use ORBI as my router in case that makes a difference.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 593
    win 10

    its best to use a password for log in and make same on both computers then try this
      My Computer


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