Shared home computers see each other 'sometimes' yes, no?

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  1. Posts : 89
    Windows 10/64

    sygnus21 said:

    I note you dismissed my question. That in and of itself answers it.

    I can't find where you ever asked a question. All I saw was your comment about killing SMB-1 (which on any Windows 10 PC that has been updated to the latest update has been disabled by that update, and the only way for SMB-1 to be activated is to go back and re-enable after each biannual update from Microsoft).
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Sorry sewing1243 --
    I think after I marked the thread solved I stopped receiving notifications and didn't see your request. Here's the scanner's website:Advanced IP Scanner - Download Free Network Scanner.
    Since closing the thread, I've developed another, related peculiarity. When I open explorer on my P50, 'if' the T61 shows and I copy a file to the machine, explorer will no longer display the T61 after that copy. And now most of the time the T61 no longer appears.
    However, if I run the scanner from the P50 and then right click on the T61 and click Explore, explorer opens showing all the shared T61 folders.
    I've attached the scanner's view and what stands out is the T61 being the only device without a manufacturer? Could that be the reason?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Shared home computers see each other 'sometimes' yes, no?-advanced-ip-scan.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 89
    Windows 10/64


    Thanks for posting the link.

    The Mac Address for that device doesn't show a "real" Mac Address (no Manufacturer) according to this website Max Address Manufacturer Checker: MAC Address / WWN / Vendor Lookup -

    It says that Mac Address is "Locally administered MAC address - assigned to a device by an administrator. Locally administered addresses do not contain OUIs." (a "OUI" apparently indicates the manufacturer of the NIC/PC)

    Unless you have intentionally "administered" the Mac Address for that PC or LAN NIC that would seem to me to indicate there is a problem with that NIC or something has been done to Windows to make it respond with a locally created Mac Address.

    I've never modified a Mac Address but I found this that describes how to do it: , but I'm not sure how to undo it. (Possibly uninstall the NIC in Device Manager and then reboot the PC and let Windows find the device and reinstall it).

    The only other thought I have on the Mac Address being wrong/changed is that PC has been hijacked somehow and the Mac Address is being used for nefarious purposes. I'm not sure if the altered Mac Address would have an effect on Network Discovery.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Ha! I don't know enough to have intentionally done anything with the bet.

    I'm thinking the reason for the unknown vendor/condition has been an unobserved problem that's been present ever since I disabled the T61's OEM NIC (wouldn't work with Win10) for a USB NIC when I reconditioned (SSD, memory, NIC, fan and BIOS) the machine ~2 years ago. Intuitively, I gotta think the offshore USB NIC isn't going to be readily recognizable ;-)?

    I also did an in-place Win7 to Win10 at the time.

    Any bright ideas?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 89
    Windows 10/64

    While it probably won't solve the recognition problem, NIC cards are inexpensive enough that it might be worth buying a new NIC made by one of the major manufacturers and see if it fixes the problem. I went from the embedded NICs on 3 out of 4 on my PCs to separate NICs.(2 Intels for the Desktop PCs and a USB3 for the laptop) way back in my battle to make networking work and it didn't help, but all 3 are recognized by the App you provided the link for.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Take a look at what shows under network adapters for the T61. If that computer isn't confused with all the 'choices' I sure as hell am!

    This might be the problem?

    (EDIT) I checked further. The Intel adapter is disabled as it should be (it was not compatible with Win10). The USB Realtek adapter is the replacement adapter and is functioning. I agree that the USB adapters are inexpensive and the easy way out of this problem is just to replace the adapter. I will do that if there's no reasonable solution with the existing (like no solution here). I just don't like giving up on a problem.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Shared home computers see each other 'sometimes' yes, no?-t61-device-mgr-network-adapters.png  
    Last edited by markg2; 29 Jan 2020 at 09:17. Reason: More information
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 89
    Windows 10/64

    I have similar lists on all my PCs. What I have done in the past (based on one of the many "suggestions" on how to fix these problems) is go to the "view" drop down menu in Device Manager and click the "show hidden devices" option and then uninstall all the duplicate entries you'll see magically appear.

    What happens when you use the network reset function in the the Windows Control Panel Network & Internet Status Page (scroll down a little ways) and reboot (you don't have to wait for it to reboot automatically)? That is a fix that works for my 3 Windows 10-64 Home OS PCs (the Windows 10-64 Pro PC has never had any of these problems)?

    Then this is what I finally found that automates what works every time:

    "While "stumbling" around searching for a fix for this I found a post (which I can't find again) that suggested stopping and starting (or restarting) the "Function Discovery Resource Publication" service as a work around for the issue of a PC disappearing from its own and other PCs on the Network Network page after a reboot or shutdown and restart. I tested it by manually going to the Services applet and stopping and starting that service. Magically the PC reappeared on its and the other PCs Network page in file manager.
    I have yet to find anything that explains what is causing that particular service to fail to function properly or how to fix it. But since the work around works I set out to find a way to automate the process so I don't have to manually stop and start that service after every reboot. The best method I found was to create a task in Task Scheduler that after about 1 minute the service is stopped and restarted (example of how to create a task to do that here: How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler - Stack Overflow, just substitute "Function Discovery Resource Publication" in place of "print spooler" in the example).
    A couple other tweaks I had to make to the task were:
    On the general page click the "run at highest privileges" box and I selected "Configure for Windows 10
    Had to set the trigger event to start "at login" for "any user"
    I also added a 1 minute delay before it runs (but I'm not sure if that is absolutely necessary)."
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 271
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks a ton!

    Your post solves two problems.

    First, it may just resolve my problem ;-).

    Second, if it doesn't or doesn't adequately, then I've done more than enough 'work' to deserve a new $20 USB adapter!

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    Win 10 Pro x64 22H2

    sewing1243 said:
    Then this is what I finally found that automates what works every time:

    "While "stumbling" around searching for a fix for this I found a post (which I can't find again) that suggested stopping and starting (or restarting) the "Function Discovery Resource Publication" service as a work around for the issue of a PC disappearing from its own and other PCs on the Network Network page after a reboot or shutdown and restart. I tested it by manually going to the Services applet and stopping and starting that service. Magically the PC reappeared on its and the other PCs Network page in file manager.
    I have yet to find anything that explains what is causing that particular service to fail to function properly or how to fix it. But since the work around works I set out to find a way to automate the process so I don't have to manually stop and start that service after every reboot. The best method I found was to create a task in Task Scheduler that after about 1 minute the service is stopped and restarted (example of how to create a task to do that here: How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler - Stack Overflow, just substitute "Function Discovery Resource Publication" in place of "print spooler" in the example).
    A couple other tweaks I had to make to the task were:
    On the general page click the "run at highest privileges" box and I selected "Configure for Windows 10
    Had to set the trigger event to start "at login" for "any user"
    I also added a 1 minute delay before it runs (but I'm not sure if that is absolutely necessary)."
    I originally tried this in a batch file set to run as admin, and it was the only solution I've found that fixed my laptop's problem of not seeing itself under the Network node. I finally got around to setting this up in Task Scheduler, and that worked fine too. The only annoyance was that two console windows got launched at login, first for the Net Stop and second for the Net Start of the FDResPub service. In digging around, I found out that if you choose "Run whether user is logged in or not" instead of "Run only when user is logged on" on the "General" tab of the task's property sheet, this prevents the console windows from being shown when the task is run. This admittedly sounds like a bizarre and even contradictory choice for a task that's triggered to run at log on, but it does work, giving a nicer user experience.

    Edit: I tried it with no delay, and that works fine too.
      My Computer


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