1809 breaks network browsing?

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  1. Posts : 752
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bits

    1809 breaks network browsing?

    The system that hosts the shares had W10 Professional, version 1803 (host01) and the remote system W10 Professional version 1809 (host02). Browsing network on the local/remote system showed the shares, but on the remote PC, accessing required UID/PWD.

    Updating the host01 to version 1809 with the shares changed network browsing, or rather disabled it. Neither host01, nor host02 showed any shared resources and for that matter, the host01's name did not even show up in network browsing on either PCs. Host02 with no shared resources on the other hand showed up in both PCs network browsing.

    Adding the host01's shares via "Add a network location", \\host01\resource_name" required UID/PWD and did show up in Windows Explorer, but not in network browsing. Each and every shared resource had to be added on the same way. Once done, no issues with browsing the shared folders, but they still did not show up in network browsing.

    Rolling back host01 to version 1803 enabled host02 to view the shares in network browsing, same as prior to the 1809 update.

    Anyone else experiencing network browsing issues?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 856
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2 build 19045.2193 Dual Boot Linux Mint

    Yep, simple fix, reset Network on all 1809 Win10 PC's.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 752
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bits
    Thread Starter

    clam1952 said:
    Yep, simple fix, reset Network on all 1809 Win10 PC's.

    Simple for home networks, but not so simple for small business networks...

    When did it become "normal" for the update to break functionalities? Don't answer that, it's probably from the the time the semi-annual feature update appeared. And yes, it's still better than the update ending up with broken Windows. It's a progress I guess...

    While I have not paid much attention, it's amazing to see how well this "normal" is accepted. Any issues, just reset this and that, if everything else fails, roll back and/or just install a fresh copy of Windows 10 version xxxx. That's pretty much the standard answer for issues... Awesome... for the company that can get away with this...
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Hey Cr00zng,
    I haven't had any issues with network browsing since updating both PC's to 1809. You can use the following script on your Win10 PC's to check your SMB/LANMAN/TCPIP settings ...

    Note: The following script ....
    1. Makes NO changes to your PC (For information only)
    2. Only shows PC NAME (Does NOT reveal any personal info)
    3. It creates a .txt file on your Desktop (Assumes your Desktop Folder has NOT been moved)
    4. Upload the .txt file in your post (If you need help with the output of the script)
    Open PowerShell as Admin. Copy/Paste the following, making sure to hit enter after the last line.
    write-output "CHECKING SMB FOR COMPUTER $($env:computername) @ $(get-date -format g)"
    if((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol).State -eq "Enabled" -OR (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Client).State -eq "Enabled" -OR (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Server).State -eq "Enabled" -OR (Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Deprecation).State -eq "Enabled") {
    write-output "==================="
    write-output "SMB1 FEATURES"
    write-output "==================="
    $scq10 = (sc.exe query mrxsmb10 | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE")
    $scqc10 = (sc.exe qc mrxsmb10 | FINDSTR "START_TYPE")
    $scqb = (sc.exe query browser | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE")
    $scqcb = (sc.exe qc browser | FINDSTR "START_TYPE")
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol | FINDSTR "FeatureName"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol | FINDSTR "State"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Client | FINDSTR "FeatureName"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Client | FINDSTR "State"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Server | FINDSTR "FeatureName"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Server | FINDSTR "State"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Deprecation  | FINDSTR "FeatureName"
    get-windowsoptionalfeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol-Deprecation | FINDSTR "State"
    write-output " "
    write-output "==================="
    write-output "SMB PROTOCOLS"
    write-output "==================="
    get-smbserverconfiguration | Select EnableSMB1Protocol,EnableSMB2Protocol | FORMAT-LIST
    } else {
    write-output " "
    write-output "==================="
    write-output "SMB PROTOCOLS"
    write-output "==================="
    $scq10 = ""
    $scqc10 = ""
    $scqb = ""
    $scqcb = ""
    write-output "EnableSMB1Protocol : False"
    get-smbserverconfiguration | Select EnableSMB2Protocol | FORMAT-LIST
    write-output " "
    write-output "=================="
    write-output "SERVICES"
    write-output "=================="
    sc.exe query mrxsmb20 | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc mrxsmb20 | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query fdphost | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc fdphost | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query fdrespub | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc fdrespub | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query ssdpsrv | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc ssdpsrv | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query upnphost | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc upnphost | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query dhcp | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc dhcp | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query dnscache | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc dnscache | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query iphlpsvc | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc iphlpsvc | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query lmhosts | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc lmhosts | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query lanmanserver | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc lanmanserver | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    sc.exe query lanmanworkstation | FINDSTR "SERVICE_NAME STATE"
    sc.exe qc lanmanworkstation | FINDSTR "START_TYPE"
    write-output " "
    write-output "================="
    write-output "SMB REGISTRY KEYS"
    write-output "================="
    if (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Name SMB1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Name SMB1 | FORMAT-LIST -Property SMB1
    } else {
    write-output "NO SMB1 KEY"
    if (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Name SMB2 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters -Name SMB2 | FORMAT-LIST -Property SMB2
    } else {
    write-output "NO SMB2 KEY"
    if (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation -Name DependOnService -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation -Name DependOnService | FORMAT-LIST -Property DependOnService
    } else {
    write-output "NO DEPEND ON SERVICE"
    if (Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ -Name Browser -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters | FORMAT-LIST -Property MaintainServerList
    } else {
    write-output " "
    write-output "========================"
    write-output "========================"
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
    write-output "============================="
    write-output "============================="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters
    write-output "================="
    write-output "TCPIP4 PARAMETERS"
    write-output "================="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters
    write-output "================="
    write-output "TCPIP6 PARAMETERS"
    write-output "================="
    Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters
    write-output "========================"
    write-output "========================"
    write-output "========================"
    write-output "========================"
    write-output "==============="
    write-output "IPCONFIG ALL"
    write-output "==============="
    ipconfig /all
    ) > "$($env:userprofile)\Desktop\$env:computername-SMB-CHECK.txt"
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 8,512
    windows 10

    When you update it is in effect a brand new system and network so it does take some time for master browser to update
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 752
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bits
    Thread Starter

    Eagle51 said:
    Hey Cr00zng,
    I haven't had any issues with network browsing since updating both PC's to 1809. You can use the following script on your Win10 PC's to check your SMB/LANMAN/TCPIP settings ...
    Thanks Eagle...

    I don't doubt that your system had no issues with network browsing, but my systems do...

    I did run the script and the result is attached, but not certain what I am looking at?

    The things are noticeable for me is that SMB1 disabled and SMB2 enabled. The rest is pretty much listing of network related processes, their corresponding file path and the "ipcongfig" output.

    It's also not clear what this line in the output means:

    ICSDomain                 : mshome.net

    Thanks in advance for your help...
    1809 breaks network browsing? Attached Files
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 752
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bits
    Thread Starter

    Samuria said:
    When you update it is in effect a brand new system and network so it does take some time for master browser to update
    I tend to disagree... On a small network the master browser refresh shouldn't take long. In my case, 4-6 hours should have been sufficient for refreshing the master browser list. Also, up to version 1709 feature update, there had been no issues with shared resources; viewing the network shares was instantaneous after the feature update. There had been no changes required in network setting and/or resetting the network.

    The first sign of issues showed up with version 1803 and version 1809 made it even worse. At least for now, the version 1809 PC can browse the network shares hosted on version 1803 PC, rolled back from 1809.

    In all fairness, this is probably well know changes for experts in this forums with appropriate tutorial posted for resolution. My encounter with these issues is due to the fact, that these systems had been updated to version 1803 couple of weeks ego and accidentally updating to 1809 this week.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 376
    Windows 10 Home 64-bit Edition

    After mine updated and rebooted, it then downloaded a HP.inc HID Class Network Driver after rebooting.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10

    The network reset trick worked for me on certain test machines. On other machines, I went into Settings --> Network & Internet --> Advanced Sharing Settings, then opened "All Networks" and set it like so:
    1809 breaks network browsing?-image.png
    This also worked to restore network browse capability, but I had to reboot those machines before it "took." Alas, for security reasons, though, this approach might not be suitable for a workplace environment. You may try turning off either the Public folder sharing setting or leaving Password Protected Sharing turned on, and see what happens. Sorry for your trouble!
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Cr00zng said:
    Thanks Eagle...
    I don't doubt that your system had no issues with network browsing, but my systems do...
    I did run the script and the result is attached, but not certain what I am looking at?
    The things are noticeable for me is that SMB1 disabled and SMB2 enabled. The rest is pretty much listing of network related processes, their corresponding file path and the "ipcongfig" output.
    It's also not clear what this line in the output means:
    ICSDomain                 : mshome.net
    Thanks in advance for your help...
    Nothing jumps out at me, everything looks ok. You should run the script on your other Win10 PC's so we can compare them.

    1. You don't need SMBv1 for Win10 file sharing, unless you have legacy devices that require it.
    2. The CSDomain: mshome.net is normal
    3. The only things I see that you might need/want to change on the PC4GERALD PC is the following, but need to see the script output from your other PC's first.

    Open Regedit and navigate to the following key ...
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters EnableSecuritySignature: 1
    Size: 3
      My Computers


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