will not connect to internet WiFi or Ethernet

  1. Posts : 2

    will not connect to internet WiFi or Ethernet

    Hello, my windows 10 computer was fine and running well, now suddenly after I moved it will not connect to internet WiFi or Ethernet. I've replaced my WiFi card and the old one (only about a year old) works perfectly in another computer. When I run the diagnostic it tells me that the IP configuration is not correct. When I go in and fix that the WiFi will come on for a brief moment then go away and give me the same error. I've tried everything google has told me to do. My friend and I are stumped. It has never had this issue before
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    Welcome to the forum. open a cmd prompt type
    ipconfig /all

    post results
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    I have. It doesn't stay but for a few minutes
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,468
    windows 10

    If you open the cmd prompt first then type it does if you use it from run it will disapear or you can type

    ipconfig /all > ip.txt
    that will put it in the file ip.txt
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 312
    Microsoft Win 10

    The manufacturer's drivers must be installed, because mS at the end of the installation offers the generic drivers that are to give the user a start and then each team on its official page offers drivers for better performance. Test from the internet pin of the same board for the moment do not place the card.
      My Computer


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