Accessing other pc's on home network.

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  1. Posts : 668
    Win 10 pro

    Try to use all uppercase for the pc name (when your trying to connect) or directly the IP does it works like that?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,470
    Win10 Home x64 - 1809

    Tried the setting in windows features on both pc's but still unable to get access , as I mentioned sometimes I can accesss my 2nd pc from my main pc but not very often.
    If you're getting intermittent 0x80070035 (Network Path Not Found) you can try disabling IPv6 ...

    Enable or Disable IPv6 in Windows | Windows 10 Tutorials
    Prefer IPv4 over IPv6 -
    Last edited by Brink; 30 Sep 2018 at 15:26. Reason: fixed link
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 13
    Windows 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks to those who replyed to this post I've tried all the suggestions but on a day to day basis the problem still occurs.
    I can turn both computers on both Windows 10 pro, open file explorer click on network and hey presto both computers show on both computers in network, later that day or the next time either pc reboots and neither pc can see the other.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 856
    Windows 10 Pro 21H2 build 19045.2193 Dual Boot Linux Mint

    Tried the simple approach, Network Reset on both PCs?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 13
    Windows 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    Hi clam1952 yes I've tried that to no avail, I'm willing to try anything else, I've done a complete fresh reinstall of Windows 10 on both PC's still no joy.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14
    Win 10 64bit

    When all else fails, try editing the Hosts file. Search will find how.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12
    Windows 10 Pro

    I share music files on both my media servers which are connected by ethernet cables to my router. My Antipodes music server is running Linux Fedora and my Dell 8700 attached to my television is running Windows 10 Pro Version 1809 build 17763. I have another Dell 8500 upstairs which also is connected via ethernet and my Asus laptop is running WiFi which I use to surf the internet and remote in to the media servers to move files around. They are all on the latest version of Windows 10 Pro.

    I never had problems sharing files on previous versions of windows but when I upgraded all my windows computers to versions 1803 and 1809 I experienced issues. I never received the Error code: 0x80070035 the network path was not found message that your receiving. Once I made my files 'discoverable' by following the steps outlined in the tutorial posted by Samuria everything showed up in Windows Explorer just like it had in the versions of windows.

    Your problem sounds more like an issue with your ethernet controller driver on one or both of your PC's, they may need to be updated to a newer version. Right click on Windows Start icon > Select Device Manager > Network Adaptors > Right click on ethernet controller > Select properties > Select events > Does that log show any recent changes or errors?

    Link to download a certified Microsoft driver: Microsoft Update Catalog
    or get one from you hardware vendor.

    Keep us updated on your progress.

    I wanted you to know that it is possible to get it to work with the newer windows versions so don't give up.
      My Computers

  8. kah
    Posts : 41

    hollidayjr said:
    When all else fails, try editing the Hosts file. Search will find how.
    I had the exact same issues as RayM, sometimes network shares would work, other times they would not. I added each pc to the host file on all pc's and no more sharing problem. It should not have to be done but it works and I got tired of trying other things.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 13
    Windows 10 pro
    Thread Starter

    I've tried all sugestions and here's where I am.
    Both pcs show in their respective File Explorers pc1 can see and access all drives on pc2.
    PC2 can see pc1 in file Explorer but cannot access any of drives and I'm still getting Network Connection failed error, when I click on diagnose it reports network diagnostics "could't identify the problem".
    could someone send me a sample of the "hosts" file that worked for them.
      My Computer

  10. kah
    Posts : 41

    RayM said:
    could someone send me a sample of the "hosts" file that worked for them.

    # For example:
    #          # source server
    #              # x client host
    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
    #       localhost
    #	::1             localhost 	MYPC2	MYPC3	OTHERPC
    192.168.1.X	ANDSOON
    Use notepad as admin in order to save changes.
      My Computer


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