No internet on ethernet, wifi works
This happened suddenly this morning. Connections and internet were working fine until it didn't. This may have started shortly after I disconnected from my VPN, but I can't be sure.
Important: this behavior is happening on 2 ethernet connected PCs.
WiFi works fine on the laptops.
In Network Settings > Adapter settings there is a red X over my TAP-Windows Adapter v9 and on my VPN adapter.
The Local Area Connection adapter has no x.
Diagnostics say there is a network cable unplugged. Both PCs.
Network devices are all enabled in Device Manager.
I can ping all PCs and laptops. So the ethernet cable connection from PC to router is OK.
The router is a Trendnet TEW-827DRU.
I have restarted the router and the modem.
I have disconnected all ethernet cables and tested each PC one at a time.
I suspect the problem lies in the router. Otherwise why would 2 PCs have the same problem?
Looking for any help or possible tests or solutions.