Replacing individual MS Office components

  1. Posts : 100
    Win10 / Ver. 1803

    Replacing individual MS Office components

    I recently upgraded from Vista to Win10, and at the same time replaced Office 2007 with Office 2010.

    Everything is hunky-dory with one notable exception. I use MS Publisher a lot for graphic design, but have found what looks like a bug in the Office 2010 version. It has to do with placing things precisely on the Publisher page, and is summed-up in my posting to the MS Answers support group here:

    This 'bug' is a show-stopper in my use of Publisher, and both MS and their forum are of no help at all. My question here is this... can Publisher 2007 be added to Office 2010 individually? Does Publisher 2010 have to be removed first? I'm fearful of corrupting the entire installation, so I haven't tried this myself yet. Any help is much appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,665
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    I'd try a Repair of Office 2010 or a Custom install and leave out Publisher then do a Custom install of Office 2007 choosing only Publisher. It may end up having to remove Office 2010 first then install only Publisher 2007 then Office 2010 leaving out Publisher. Caveat: Office 2010 was the first to be available as either 32-bit or 64-bit but my Office 2010 64-bit wouldn't cohabitat with 2003 FrontPage, had to remove FP.
      My Computers


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