How do I clear Recent Files hyperlink list in Word 2016?

  1. Posts : 7
    Windows 10

    How do I clear Recent Files hyperlink list in Word 2016?

    If you do Ctrl+K in Microsoft Word 2016 you get an Insert Hyperlink dialog box. There are 3 tabs to get sources for hyperlinks. These are Current Folder, Browsed Pages, and Recent Files.

    Current Folder shows the files in the current folder.

    Browsed Pages shows the Internet Explorer browsing history (and can easily be cleared from IE's options menu).

    Recent Files is the section that has entries that I have no idea how to clear. It's not connected to IE's browsing history. I don't know what the source is for this list (is it in a file? or a registry entry? or maybe even hidden as an alternate data stream?), but would like to know so that I can clear it. Being able to clear this would help to increase my computer privacy. If a hacker got a hold of this list, they could know what files I've been accessing on my computer.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33,829
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    It's probably using Windows 'Recent items' list.

    This tutorial will show you how to completely reset and clear all recent items and frequent places in File Explorer, Quick access, jump lists, Start menu, and taskbar for your account in Windows 10.
    Reset and Clear Recent Items and Frequent Places in Windows 10

    Edit: I've just looked at what my Word 2010 does. It looks like it's from my recent items list, filtered to show only those documents that Office can open.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 14,658
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Looking at my Word 15/Office 2013 and the Recent list on can right-click each one and remove or at the bottom of the list remove all.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 7
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Bree said:
    It's probably using Windows 'Recent items' list.

    Reset and Clear Recent Items and Frequent Places in Windows 10

    Edit: I've just looked at what my Word 2010 does. It looks like it's from my recent items list, filtered to show only those documents that Office can open.
    I just cleared recent items from Windows by going to Explorer's settings, and then in the General tab I went to the Privacy section and clicked Clear. I started up Word and went back to that same dialog box (the one for inserting hyperlinks, and from there in the Recent Files section), and it's still populated with entries. They didn't go away.

    I'm using Office 2016, by the way.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 14,658
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Ben321 said:
    I just cleared recent items from Windows by going to Explorer's settings, and then in the General tab I went to the Privacy section and clicked Clear. I started up Word and went back to that same dialog box (the one for inserting hyperlinks, and from there in the Recent Files section), and it's still populated with entries. They didn't go away.

    I'm using Office 2016, by the way.
    I find Word/Office file management does its own thing in a separate way from File/Windows Explorer. Case in point: the Windows Clipboard can hold only one thing at a time while the Office Clipboard can hold many more clips, started with 12 in Office 2007 and now is about twice that. It merely explains why doing things work differently.
      My Computers


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