Office 2010 scripted uninstall question
I am trying to get an uninstall script to work for Office Std 2010 x64, and I am running into an issue.
For starters, here's the script I have:
I believe this will work without the "Start /wait" portion, but I need that part in the script, as this is part of a larger script, and I need the parent script to wait for this to complete before proceeding. Everything after "/wait" should be referenced as a switch for the setup.exe file, but it appears that the "Start" command is seeing "/config" as one of it's switches, which then errors out because "Start" doesn't have a "/config" switch.Code:Start /wait "\\PATH\Setup.exe" /config "\\PATH\Uninstall.xml" /uninstall Standard
Strangely enough, this same script works fine when I point it to the Office Std 2010 x86 setup file, so I'm not sure what the problem is. If this were in Powershell, I would try putting everything after "/wait" in a script block so it knows to process that portion separately, but I am not sure how to do that in a batch script.
Thanks in advance,