Office 2013 issues, upgraded to Office 2016...

  1. Posts : 111
    Win 10 Pro 64bit (1909)

    Office 2013 issues, upgraded to Office 2016...

    Since upgrading my main desktop to Windows 10, I began having trouble with my Office 2013 installation. I would get the "swirling circle" and the "application has stopped responding" error messages very frequently. I was able to buy the Office 2016 suite for $10 through my employer (Microsoft HUP) and since upgrading the application, I have not seen the error. Of course, I've only had Office 2016 on my PC for one day, so I'll keep checking to see if the problem returns. Has anyone else had issues with Office 2013 and Win10? Thanks!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 609

    In fact Office is working nicely for me in Windows 10. I had PCs with Office 2007 and even with the old Office 2003 and I have not yet had complaints about crashes.

    Microsoft offers a FixIt tool, which allows you to do a clean uninstall of the Office 2013 files so that you can afterwards create a clean Office installation again. As an additional ressort, there even is a description of how to manually uninstall Office 2013. I did not have to test it, but that might have helped you as well.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 449
    win 10

    Be warned, I had to roll back to Outlook 2013 as my Exchange Server didn't appear to support Outlook 2016.
    Another poster suggested it might be related to autodiscovery?
      My Computer


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