Outlook 2003

  1. Posts : 27
    Windows 10 & 7 home premium

    Outlook 2003

    I run Office 2003 on my Windows 7 machine and use Outlook 2003 for my email. Is there a way I can use Outlook 2003 if I upgrade to Windows 10? This potential problem is the only reason I don't upgrade to the free Windows 10 upgrade.
    Thanks for any information.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 10 Pro

    Outlook 2007 or later is officially supported in Windows 10. Earlier Outlook versions are not supported, though they may work. My guess is it would work but you may encounter specific problems when doing certain tasks that you would need to research the answers for.
    Here is a link for info: Does Outlook work on Windows 7, 8 or Windows 10? - Outlook Tips
      My Computer

  3. JRB
    Posts : 9
    Windows 10

    Ronnielee09 said:
    I run Office 2003 on my Windows 7 machine and use Outlook 2003 for my email. Is there a way I can use Outlook 2003 if I upgrade to Windows 10? This potential problem is the only reason I don't upgrade to the free Windows 10 upgrade.
    Thanks for any information.
    Ronnielee - I realise this is months after your post appeared but I have only just read it. If it's any encouragement I was in the same boat as you and have put off upgrading to Windows 10 for the same reason! I have Outlook 2003 which has worked fine for me first with Windows XP (which I was perfectly happy with) then Windows 7 (which I reluctantly changed to when support for XP was withdrawn). It is probably the most critical bit of software I have (I have it as part of Microsoft Office suite).

    Apart from one minor annoyance the upgrade to Windows 10 this week went ok (see my thread). This was cured by not choosing WORD as my text editor in Outlook. Everything else seems ok so far. Obviously I cannot guarantee that your situation will be exactly the same as mine but my advice would be to take the plunge and see what happens. There are some knowledgeable folk on this forum who would be able to help with any specific problems that may arise.
      My Computer


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