Office desktop icons move after an update

  1. Posts : 134
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2

    Office desktop icons move after an update


    I've noticed some annoying behavior on desktop. It seems after I update a Word or Excel document (saved to the desktop), the desktop icon, moves to another location. Sometimes to the empty space on my right. Or anywhere else out of the order I saved it at.

    It doesn't stay in the same spot. Right mouse clicking has no particular "sort by" chosen and that's deliberate by choice. The same way I had it on previous versions of Windows.

    Is there anyway to lock these desktop icons down so they don't move unless I want them to move? Or an Office setting that prevents this behavior?

    Windows 10 Pro 22H2 64bit


    PS: It doesn't happen with any other icon or text documents saved to my desktop. Just the MS Office ones.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 44,251
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    The topic of desktop icons moving has been repeatedly discussed. Please feel free to search tenforums. There is no absolute solution for this longstanding problem which affects some more than others.

    There are 3rd party programs which can help. DesktopOK is one I recall being mentioned- feel free to see those threads.

    Another different approach is to use Stardock's Fences. (Small fee). This takes a completely different approach- see their video e.g.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 7,184
    22H2 64 Bit Pro

    Just a note to say that desktop icons moving around always happens after I change resolution or desktop icon spacing. It's quite tricky to revert to settings that work so I always have a backup that I can restore. From memory some programs can change screen resolution if you launch them. Typically older programs but I cannot be specific. Also possibly using dual monitors might be an issue.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 134
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2
    Thread Starter

    It's interesting that only the MS Office icons move by themselves as I mentioned up above. The DesktopOK hack also looks interesting but I hope it isn't overkill since the rest of my icons already stay in place.

    Also desktop resolution is never a problem since I'm on a 14" laptop and I don't change it any. I don't want any program to mess with that and make things more complicated.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,250
    W10-Pro 22H2

    Longshot: never noticed this issue, but I don’t keep office docs on the desktop. Could be to do with how office saves the updated file (create new then clear old, or similar?). Have you tried saving shortcuts to them, rather than the files themselves? That way the desktop contents should not change, and thus the icons may not move.

    Sent via 6S while on holiday, so can’t test
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 282
    Windows 10 Pro

    Do your settings look like this?

    Office desktop icons move after an update-jhgmkg.jpg

    I use the program DesktopOK and what it does is profile your current icon arrangement so if you change resolution or mess up all of your icon placements, a one clink hit in DesktopOK will rearrange all the icons back to where they were based on the last saved profile. Or any saved profile for that matter...

    Here's a fantastic special fix... Create a folder on the desktop and name it Docs or Office Docs or whatever. Now save all Docs to that folder...
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 134
    Windows 10 Pro 22H2
    Thread Starter

    F22 Simpilot said:
    Do your settings look like this?

    Office desktop icons move after an update-jhgmkg.jpg

    Somebody also mentioned Stardock's Fences which would look great on a big screen monitor, but not on my scrawny 14" laptop.

    Plus I only have about 18 icons on my desktop, so it's not a whole lot. I'm just looking for a simple solution without a lot of bells & whistles attached to it.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 44,251
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Well, I have Fences on my 14.1" laptop... You can have quite small ones that just include 2 or 3 icons..

    Here are some Windows ways to lock them:
    How to Lock Desktop Icons Windows 10

    Some utilities add an option to the desktop context menu to lock/unlock them.

    And here's a different utility one tenforums member found - from a tenforums thread on this topic... fee free to search..
    ReIcon v2.0 (Restore Desktop Icon Layouts)

    What is the best program to lock (freeze) all the icons on my desktop?
    Last edited by dalchina; 08 Jul 2023 at 10:22.
      My Computers


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