Unable to access Outlook following a reinstall
I have successfully re-install Windows 11 latest version (long overdue and had a few issues) but having problems getting Outlook working again. I am fairly certain I have the password correct but using that failed and a second attempt only gives me the New option when I select File - Email accounts.
Selecting New - the email address I used before (and that I don't want to change) - Advance options - Tick box select "Setup manually" ]- then select IMAP - Connect fails
I then select Change account settings are Incoming - my mail server, Port 993, Encryption SSL/TLS. Outgoing - same server and encryption, Port 465.
That too fails.
It may be that I have the Pw wrong - how do I reset it, or if my account settings above are wrong, where are they wrong. They are the same as my wife's PC which is OK.,