Icloud email account set up in Outlook
I cannot find any reference to the error I am geting when trying to set up an icloud email in outlook.
Getting error: "Cannot create pst file. Filepath too long"
Never seen this one before when setting up other (POP) accounts in outlook.
- Automatic setup in Outlook failed
- I have used these settings including the apple app specific password and assuming I don't need to touch any of the others not mentioned (probably a mistake)
Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.
Just found this so will try a reboot.
Found this. Wel surprise, despite the error message Outlook has actually created six ost fileswith the data I entered each suffixed with a number and I can't delete any of them either via outlook 'data files' or directly. Deletign the files in %Appdata% works but they are just recreated. The odd thing is nothign appears in the outlolok dialogue for the email account as it does with other (POP) accounts.
Deleting accounts by closing in outlok left hand pane then allowed me to delete them in %appdata% location.
So I am left with once instance in %appdata% and this is howing in the left hand pane of outlook (email)
But now problem is that data is not syncing
Through all of the above the outlook Test Account Settings dialogue did not appear. Set up new account and the test box appears but failed with timout error accessing server.
Now trying different configurations of the settings not mentioned in the first link.
Something appeared to be syncing then got error re connecting to server. Did restart. Everything gone, the account in Outlook and the ost file in %appdata%.
Set up the account again, same error message from Outloook re file path length but the ost fiel is in %appdata%, again. Restarting.
Last edited by kevvyb; 15 May 2023 at 12:59.