Outlook 2007 SSL/TLS - ISP discontinuing suport

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  1. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894

    Try3 said:
    Office 2007 works in Windows 11 as well. I can't remember if I have specifically tested Outlook 2007 in it. I'll do so soon.
    I have tested MS Office Outlook 2007 in Windows 11.
    It can both send and receive POP email. I only use POP email retrieval but I'd say that if POP works, both IMAP & EAS would work.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 61
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    The good, the bad and the ugly.

    The ugly bit is Microsoft again. I installed a copy of Outlook 2013 which I found. They have implemented their "ribbon" header which means the five commands which is all a normal person would need are buried somewhere amid endless garbage. It did install and load my .pst file but will only run POP, not SMPT, both carefully configured as in 2007 and also with the ionos alternatives, so is useless. Deleted.

    The bad bit is dispite all the valuable help you guys have rendered is I still don't know what version of TLS Outlook is using. I will keep using it until the cut off date and see what happens.

    The Good bit is eM Client free edition. Downloaded, configured, .pst file imported, works. It does not look and feel too different to 2007 so not too much of a learning curve for the wife.

    THANKS for the help and the info.
      My Computers


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