PDF scans not converting in Word 2013

  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 10

    PDF scans not converting in Word 2013

    Running Windows 10 Home v.20H2
    Can anyone tell me why PDF scans of documents made by my HP Deskjet 2700 are not being converted to an editable .doc format when I open them in MS Word 2013. Although Epson scan save them as .pdf, MS word still treats them as pictures. However, when I open "professional" PDF documents in Word it has no problem converting them to an editable format.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,274
    W10-Pro 22H2

    Unless your scanner has built-in OCR, then it has probably simply embedded the scanned image inside a pdf. A quick look at HP's user guide for it does not mention OCR (optical character recognition).
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint

    You appear to have two threads connected with this issue
    One here
    MS Office Document Scanner + HP deskjet
    to which you have received two replies and this thread where you are reading this

    It appears to me but maybe I am missing something that you have the mentioned HPDeskjet2700 but then Epson
    is mentioned

    Is that a typo or do you have two printers/scanners - the HP and an Epson

    If the scanned PDF will not then open in Word, as a Word editable doc - albeit some formatting will usually be lost

    It appears to me that the scanned doc which is then opened in Word 2013 is NOT been scanned as a PDF
    Scan your document according to the instructions for your scanner, and save it to your computer as a .pdf file.

    Indeed if it was scanned as a PDF I cannot understand why MSWord would treat it as a jpeg.
    I would check the scan settings - this problem is frequently encountered when using auto scan

    It would help considerably if you acknowledge the replies on your first thread, rather than just starting another one.
    Last edited by Macboatmaster; 15 Mar 2021 at 14:05.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you both for your replies. Yes, it was a mistype and should have read Epson, not Epsom.
    Regarding the scanner in my HP Deskjet printer, it seems to offer only scans as PDF and and JPEG with no apparent possibility of changing.
    The reason for my initial enquiry was because I was wondering if, even though the scanner says PDF, could it possibly be different 'type' of PDF, because, as I said in the original thread, documents I've received from other people which were , for want of a better word "professional" PDF documents, are smoothly converted by Word 2013.
    Aagin my thanks for taking the trouble to reply, and for your help. I'm still learning the protcols!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,274
    W10-Pro 22H2

    frankdowns said:
    The reason for my initial enquiry was because I was wondering if, even though the scanner says PDF, could it possibly be different 'type' of PDF...
    You are right in a sense - PDFs can contain formatted text and/or images. The 'professional' ones you received were probably just text rather than images.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint


    It was me that was wrong, I now realise you have two printer/scanners and Epson and a HPdeskjet2700. I was referring to the fact that I thought you only had the HP and not both HP and Epson, rather than how Epson was spelt

    On the HPDeskjet2700 it appears
    In the printer software, click Scan , and then click Scan a Document or Photo .
    4. Click the More link in the top right corner of the HP Scan dialog.
    The detailed settings pane appears on the right. The left column summarizes the current settings for each
    section. The right column allows you to change the settings in the highlighted section.
    5. Click each section at the left of the detailed settings pane to review the settings in that section.
    You can review and change most settings using drop-down menus.
    Some settings allow greater flexibility by displaying a new pane. These are indicated by a + (plus sign) at
    the right of the setting. You must either accept or cancel any changes on this pane to return to the detailed
    settings pane.

    that as I have to on my Epson SX218 you have to set scan as doc mode - in the settings.
    On my SX218 if I do not do that it scan and saves as a jpeg -IF the doc as anyhting that it interprets as an image.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Re my last
    Please see my screenshot
    I feel reasonably certain your HP will have a similar setting as my Epson SX218

    It appears the procedure is indeed similar on your HP

    see the heading here
    Save a scan as a single or multi-page PDF
    Change the file name and select PDF as the file type.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails PDF scans not converting in Word 2013-untitled.png  
    Last edited by Macboatmaster; 15 Mar 2021 at 15:23.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you to everyone who responded to my query. I'm very grateful for the time you took and the helpful suggestions. Following on one of the replies, I've begun using the OCR in MSOffice 2013's Word, and it is smoothly converting my PDF documents into an editable text.
    I was really stuck and much appreciate your help.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,274
    W10-Pro 22H2

    You're welcome!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,617
    11, 10, 8.1 and 7 all Professional versions, and Linux Mint

    Cheers pleased it is sorted
      My Computer


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