How to turn off sound in Excel?

  1. Posts : 75
    Windows 10 Home

    How to turn off sound in Excel?

    I want to turn off sounds when I do things like entering data into or right-clicking a cell in Excel (Windows 10 v. 1909, Office 16). In Excel Options, under "Ease of Access" I turned off "Provide feedback with sound". Didn't help. Under Windows > Settings > "Notifications & actions" I turned off "Get notifications from apps and other senders". Didn't help. How can I turn off sound in Excel?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 35
    windows 7

    I haven't tried it yet in your version but for decades I've simply found the .wav files for specific apps and renamed the offending file with an X somewhere in the file name.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 75
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    The sound that constantly plays is the "Default Beep". If I disable that, then I'll get no sounds in situations where I *do* want sound feedback.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 35
    windows 7

    Though I've not tried to alter sounds in Excel I can say all the programs whose sounds I've altered, including Windows, have allowed me to select sounds to match circumstances. I can only suggest you poke around to see you can make such modifications. Good luck.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,608
    Win 10 home 20H2 19042.1110

    How do I turn off sound in Excel?
    Turn sound effects on or off with the keyboard

    • Navigate to the File menu, then press Alt, F, T to select Options.
    • In the Options window, use the arrow keys to highlight Ease of Access.
    • Press Tab to move to the Provide feedback with sound checkbox, then press Enter to select or clear the checkbox.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 75
    Windows 10 Home
    Thread Starter

    As I said in my original posting, I have "Provide feedback with sound" turned off (unchecked), but I still get sounds, specifically when I right-click a cell.
      My Computer


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