Yep the app does not let me search emails. Thankfully for now I can log into the online version and search my mail
but I I find this threatening. The app for outlook is less capable than gmail. What good is even using a computer or phone if you can not search. ! Does anyone have any ideas what my be behind this ? Why even use the app if you can not search you mail ? Its like having a huge box of envelopes that you need to find something in. ! And what is next ? what is their next move ? They must have some kind of plan here like they are getting ready to disable any use of the android so we are forced to by their products. ? One day if you want to access your mail remotely we will have to buy a Microsoft product that is deliberately made to not work until you fork over 20 grand.
When I know that programmers reduce my abilities for their own end - Like making text so I can not copy it or making it so I can not put my files where I want to. OR make it difficult for me because they want me to use the cloud space so they hide the app that allows me to put my files where I want to. !
Main question Why would they reduce the ability of an app to search its data. ?