Weird Outlook 365 email settings -- Can't change or repair them

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Weird Outlook 365 email settings -- Can't change or repair them

    I am a Verizon Fios user. Some time ago, Verizon switched all its users to Aol mail and specified certain settings for the incoming and outgoing servers (Incoming server -- and Outgoing server -- . When I couldn't receive mail this morning, I checked the settings and for some odd reason, they had changed to the following:
    Incoming server:
    Outoing server:

    I tried to correct the account server settings, but Outlook 365 seems to have changed the way to accomplish this and would not allow me to do so. I went through the "Repair" option and chose the option to do so manually, but I kept getting the message that Outlook could not make the changes and I should contact my administrator. I went through the MS Office repair process under Programs and Features in the Control Panel. This reinstalled Office and it allowed me to receive mail again, but the servers in Outlook are still through Yahoo. It's possible that at one time I may have installed my Yahoo acct in Outlook 365, but if I did, I deleted it and I have not used it in years. The only accts I have installed are Verizon and Gmail. I checked my desktop (also running Win 10 and Office 365) and it too has the yahoo servers in the settings. My wife's desktop, running Win 10 and Outlook 2007, has the proper Verizon settings. Does anyone know how in the heck my Verizon settings changed to Yahoo servers and better yet, how to change them back?????
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14,658
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Could you possibly have had a Yahoo account/E-Mail address when you first set up Windows 10 and used that for your Microsoft Account? I've seen that happen a couple of times with clients.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Hi there


    The new outlook settings make it almost impossible to do any manual settings to email acccounts (same as outlook 2016 and outlook 2019).

    You need to use the applet in the control panels -- choose CHANGE not REPAIR and then you can alter the settings like the old way with the old manual screens.

    I've complained about this "auto config" process that Office now uses - after updates even the stand alone office installs are converted to click 2 run versions wuth no config choices available such as what products to install etc.

    If you have say email servers on your own domains and the auto config doesn't recognize them you are royally hosed up.

    Try the mail applet in control panel. Might still be lablled outlook 2016 or just email.

    For me though I've gone back to Outlook (and Office) 2010 where everything works and is configurable properly.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I did solve the problem.The first thing I did was run a repair of MS Office from the Program and Features item in the Control Panel. This fixed the problem with not receiving email. Oddly, the same weird Yahoo server settings were still under File, Account Setting in Outlook 365.

    Solution: I ended up getting into the acct settings by choosing Manage Profiles under Account Settings instead of the first option, which was also called Account Settings. When I went in that way, I got the little box with three options from which to choose: Email accounts, Data Profiles, and Show Profiles. I chose Email accounts, which took me to a box similar to the one older versions of Outlook had that allowed me to choose "Change," which led to the box with the correct Verizon mail settings. Still have the Yahoo server settings if I go in directly via the first Account Settings option. Weird, but at least it's working!!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Just wanted to thank you for helping me fix my email downloads.
    Your description of the problem and solutions worked perfectly for me.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    No problem

    I'm glad it worked for you!
      My Computer


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