And likewise, Sin. It's good to see you! :) Hope all is well with you and yours.
Sorry I can't comment here for I haven't clean installed an OS in quite awhile (using the Media Creation tool), however I did sign in with my MS account when I did. My 10 Creator Update has been on my machine for quite some time. A very stable OS I may add.
Your pics are fine. I see you're upgrading all or most of your PCs I assume? I'm curious as to why you weren't offered to sign in with your MS account as well. I'm wondering if it's a regional/country mandate by law? Who knows with these crazy micro-managing laws today?! Not a suggestion, but I would think at this point you could create an MS account and delete the local one.
I'm sure someone will look in on this. I'll be peeking in to see how this goes.