64-Bit system will only install 32-bit Windows 10. BlackScreen

  1. Posts : 7

    64-Bit system will only install 32-bit Windows 10. BlackScreen

    I recently had Windows 10 64-bit installed. Suddenly after a restart the only thing I could see after POST was a black screen. I was planning on doing a clean install of Windows 10 x64 anyway.

    1. Downloaded the x64 ISO and copied everything to a USB external drive.
    2. Set boot options in the BIOS to boot only from the external drive. Still same black backlit screen
    3. Push F8 at POST - continue to get black screen

    Determined that I must be doing something wrong I bought a 16gb flash drive.

    1. DOwnload MediaCreationTool.exe
    2. Create BOTH 32 & 64 bit install
    3. Boot to USB - Shows both options to install
    4. Select 64-bit - DIsplays loading bar at the bottom, light flashing on USB, once status bar finishes screen goes dark, No blue windows logo, NOTHING.
    5. Restart
    6. F11
    7. Install 32-Bit Version.. This works.

    In the bios my i5-4690k chip is recognized and 64-bit is listed as supported.
    In Windows the System Info shows 64-bit system with the 32-bit OS installed.

    Things I have done:
    Reset CMOS
    Format SSD to GTP (or what ever that is)
    Reset BIOS to Default
    Will not also that Safe mode start-up from POST is unresponsive.

    Memtestx86 results show no errors

    ASRock Z97 Pro4
    EVGA 600w
    16gb RAM
    MSI GTX970

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 366
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Next thing I would try is updating the BIOS for your motherboard. Go to ASRock's website and download the newest BIOS for your mobo model. If you still have the 32 bit Windows installed, update it from there. If not, going into your BIOS should give you an option to update the BIOS from a flash drive.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    I will try that again. Forgot to list that as one of the things I have tried.
    First going to revert back to the original one. See if that works then load the newest one.

    Could my Mobo &/or CPU be crap? Or am I just messing something up?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    updated bios and still nada
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Make sure the option for NX is enabled if that is a feature of your BIOS (which is really UEFI firmware, not BIOS) for the CPU.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    The NX was already enabled. Downloaded 8.1 x64 and looks like that is installing. Hopefully after that installs I can install a clean Windows 10 64-bit.

    Keeping fingers crossed. If you happen to have another idea I am struggling here.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    Confirmed install of x64 Windows 8.1 Pro.

    Going to try x64 Windows 10 again.

    This whole issue is so strange
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    Ok. Here is where I am at. Installed 8.1 x64 using ei.cfg to load trial version. I can start the 10 update in Windows but now it asks me for a key. Which I don't have because it is tied to my CPU/mobo.

    Install from master boot still goes dark.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    Google Windows 10 Pro generic key. It ends in -3V66T
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7
    Thread Starter

    FInally have a working copy of Windows 10 32-bit. I still can't install 64! Downloaded on a flash drive (fat32) and when booting to the flash I finally have a Windows logo, but only that. No blinking dots etc....
      My Computer


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