Should I try repair install again?
A little while back I carried out a repair install with the help of advice in this forum (in another thread). It cured a number of long-standing problems and restored some features I had been without for months. But it left or maybe even created a few, especially regarding the Store and Shutting down. As a result of following advice about using Powershell from the Windows Community I have now lost the Store completely. So I decided to get help from the MS Support Chat service which has sometimes been a big help. Alas, I have had a frustrating afternoon with three attempts to use Chat disconnecting part way through. Microsoft does not seem to have a way to deal with this, apart from going back to the beginning all over again.
During the last of the three sessions the tech was going to try a repair install and started downloading the Tool. It did not complete and yet again my PC was disconnected from the session. If something was downloaded I have not found it yet. So I am considering doing it myself, not least in the hope that it might repair the three or four faults I still have. I have found the files (s) I used before, on a flash drive ---- the main one being, I think, Win10_1703_English. Am I right that all I have to do is Mount that, ie. run it, and sit back?