Transfering HDD from old PC to new PC

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 10

    Transfering HDD from old PC to new PC

    I have an older PC in which the motherboard is dying. I bought a newer PC and since the HDD is still good on old PC I wanted to install the HDD to the new PC as a 2nd drive. That way i can keep the files and have more room. My question is to make room on old HDD can I delete Windows 10 and not have it mess with the games and files on it?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,456
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    You can certainly keep any data files- the cleanest way to deal with that is to copy any data off C: to another disk or partition.

    If you delete the partitions comprising your Win 10 on that drive (there are more than one!) then any programs installed on that OS will be lost. (Portable programs, of course, can be moved easily).

    If you have a lot installed on that consider either
    a. Installing them from scratch on your new OS
    b. automatically transferring them to your new OS using a Laplink program or Easeus Transpro program
    (you will need to buy a 1-time use license).

    The choice is yours.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    dalchina said:
    If you have a lot installed on that consider either
    a. Installing them from scratch on your new OS
    b. automatically transferring them to your new OS using a Laplink program or Easeus Transpro program
    (you will need to buy a 1-time use license).

    The choice is yours.
    Or cloning the entire Windows installation (partition) as long as the Windows 10 versions are the same, IE: Home or Pro.
      My Computer


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