Reinstall Barebones Win7, Then Online Upgrade to 10 for Clean Upgrade?
This question applied to the free online upgrade from Win7 or 8 to Win 10 that was offered and probably now applies to the Accessibility upgrade that is still being offered. So let's say I currently have Win7 and it's slow with adware (It hasn't been maintained properly - some folks don't know how). So if I had a Win 10 install disk I'd wipe the hard disk and install 10 fresh.
So I have a "messed-up" Win7 I want to upgrade. Question: Could I wipe the disk, reinstall Win7 with product key, activate it. And then go strait to the Accessibility upgrade and get Win10? Not even spend the time to update Win7, just do the Win7 reinstall and go strait to the Win10 online upgrade(?)
It seems to me this would give me a cleaner Win10.