inquiry about dual booting win10 and osx on seperate drives
Its my understanding this is much easier (even though i'd prefer the same drive)
my set up is convoluted and complicated however. This is due to both my ssd drives being in raid 0 and having windows instealled on them, and my data hdd's are also in raid 0 but have nothing installed on them.
Ideally what i'd like to do is use the ssd's for osx as well and be done with it - however since from the reading ive done, that basically isnt going to happen without nixing my windows install - it leaves me with the data drives.
Unfortunately the data drives are not only slower (hdd vs ssd) but HUGE in comparison. 4tb vs 500gb.
What im here to ask is, does a way exist to partition a chunk (maybe 25%) off of my hdd array and use it for osx, while keeping the remainder intact within windows 10 to use for data/storage/backup etc?
if so how?
tooootally new territory for me :P