Dual boot 2x Win10 on 2 HDs?

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 10

    Dual boot 2x Win10 on 2 HDs?

    I have a pretty hardcore laptop from work, which i am also allowed to use for private use, so I have installed an ekstra SSD disk in the laptop and i was wondering if it was possible to install win 10 on that one and then get an option when i boot the pc, which disk/os i want to start up?
    Right now i have my company image of win 10 on the std harddrive and the other one is just empty, but visable (so it works).
    How will i go by doing this? Its important that nothing is happening to my company drive/os. I know it is protected by bit-logger, will this make things complicated?

    Thanks in advance
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Sorry to bump this thread.

    I have now installed windows 10 on both my harddrives (SSD), both are inserted in the PC.
    When i start up, the windows on my primary harddisk is loaded, but i dont get a bootmanager or an option to boot from the other drive.
    When i am logged in to windows (on primary HD) i can see my other HD with the windows installation.

    How do i get to choose which OS to boot up on?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,477

    Type bcdboot X:\Windows where X is the volume containing the other Windows installation.

    If it isn't clear post a picture of disk management.

    You can then change the descriptions to "Work" and "Home" for example using bcdedit command if you want but it isn't required.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thank you so much - see i knew it wasnt so hard, and i managed to use BCDedit to modify the description as well
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,477

    You are welcome. Should have bumped it sooner
      My Computer


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