User files on Windows 10 reinstall

  1. Posts : 1
    windows 10

    User files on Windows 10 reinstall


    I did some searching and THINK I can do what I'm wanting to do... but want to make sure.

    Long story short, my HD failed, had to buy a new HD, Install Windows 7 from my disc then upgrade to windows 10 on the new drive.

    I was able to User folders to DVD discs (Mine and Wifes user folders). Basically just copied the entire folder trees.

    Is it as simple as copy/pasting to the user folders on the new HD from the DVD discs? Or is there something I'm missing?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,366
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    It is as easy as copying them back to the same folders on the new drive. However, if you start getting Access Denied messages when you go to use those files, you'll want to follow a tutorial on here regarding "Taking Ownership" of those files.
      My Computer


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