DBAN instructions
So I wanna re-install Windows 10 using DBAN ie start over from scratch. Need a step-by-step guide, thank you.
So I wanna re-install Windows 10 using DBAN ie start over from scratch. Need a step-by-step guide, thank you.
All you ever wanted to know about starting fresh can be found in this tutorial
Clean Install Windows 10
simrick's advice re: unallocated space is also in the tutorial.
When you deleted files, the files are not actually erased, but the storage indices that point to them are deleted, so the space used can be overwritten by new data. As a rule, this is fine.
However, when you sell a pc or pass it on, it is possible to resurrect the deleted data if it has not yet been overwritten.
Tools like DBAN forcibly overwrite the data with ones and zeros to make it impossible to recover the old data. If pc had sensitive data on it, this is a good idea.
If pc is just for you use, it is a waste for time really.