Windows 7 to 10 Upgrade? Windows could not parse or process

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  1. Posts : 13

    Windows 7 to 10 Upgrade? Windows could not parse or process

    Hi, first time post............

    Am trying to upgrade my daughters Acer laptop from W7 to W10 before the deadline but keep getting this error...........

    Windows 7 to 10 Upgrade? Windows could not parse or process-vmware_windows_could_not_parse_or_process_the_unattend_answer_file_for_pass_specialize_1.png

    Have done lots of reading up on it with lots of attempts to fix the problem but as yet I'm still no closer to solving this problem.

    Could anyone please try and head me in the right direction as I'm really just about to give up and let her continue with 7.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    That error message is shown when you run sysprep command in Windows with an answer file that has wrong syntax or other errors in it. In normal upgrade process you should have no reason to run sysprep. Sysprep is usually only used when you want to customize Windows install image for deployment.

    Are you running sysprep on purpose, and if so could you please post the answer file used?

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 13
    Thread Starter

    Hi Kari,

    And thanks for your help.

    Originally I just tried by using the W10 upgrade button on the daughters laptop, but for whatever reason nothing seemed to happen.

    So then I downloaded the Media Creation Tool from MS and installed it on a USB and have since and forever got that error message when trying to install W10.

    Currently I'm burning an ISO image but suspect I will have the same outcome?

    I'm off to work shortly so will be off line for a couple of hours, but I will be back.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Something is not right there. That error message clearly shows that sysprep command was run, with faulty unattended answer file. I am afraid your only option is a clean install, either Windows 7 and then try to upgrade again, or directly installing Windows 10 using Windows product key.

    Is there any important personal data (documents, images and such) on that laptop, something that needs to be saved?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,865

    Kari said:
    Something is not right there. That error message clearly shows that sysprep command was run, with faulty unattended answer file. I am afraid your only option is a clean install, either Windows 7 and then try to upgrade again, or directly installing Windows 10 using Windows product key.

    Is there any important personal data (documents, images and such) on that laptop, something that needs to be saved?
    Herein lies the folly of many users who are leaving it to the last minute to upgrade and then they run into issues, and I can see those posts now "I tried to upgrade by deadline but had issues and have missed the deadline".

    We all know you can miss flights when if caught you in a traffic jam, and you should allow for this. Same applies to the activation servers as well - any bets that they do not get overloaded?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 13
    Thread Starter

    Hi Kari,
    Yes I was afraid it was not going to be that simple. A clean install you say. Does that mean having to reformat the c drive.

    We bought this laptop through her school and assume W7 was OEM as we were not supplied with any installation disc.

    I had a look in Belarc advisor to find her license key.

    I have managed to save all her school work and anything else that needs saving so will be good for the reinstall. Just hopefully I still know how to do it.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 13
    Thread Starter

    cereberus said:
    Herein lies the folly of many users who are leaving it to the last minute to upgrade and then they run into issues, and I can see those posts now "I tried to upgrade by deadline but had issues and have missed the deadline".

    We all know you can miss flights when if caught you in a traffic jam, and you should allow for this. Same applies to the activation servers as well - any bets that they do not get overloaded?
    Thanks for such a positive comment!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 15,865

    johnmw1 said:
    Thanks for such a positive comment!
    Other forums are getting flooded with help requests. It is inevitable that somebody will miss the boat (mixing my metaphors), and if somebody reading this gets prompted into action sooner rather than too late, the comment has value.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 18,476
    Windows 11 Pro

    This is how I would try the upgrade. Do you have the ISO file saved on the computer that needs to be upgraded? If not, save it there. Download and install the free version of WinIso:
    WinISO Standard 6 - Edit, Create, Convert, ISO Software, Burn ISO and make Bootable ISO

    Mount the ISO file with it. You will get a virtual DVD drive letter. From inside the virtual DVD drive letter run the setup.exe to start the upgrade.

    Also what edition is the Windows 7? It's not a Single Language or K or KN edition is it? Just regular Windows 7 Home/Pro/Home Premium, etc?

    @Kari - in order for the unattended answer file to interfere with the upgrade, doesn't the answer file have to be in the Windows installation media file structure? Or can an unattended answer file that is stored somewhere else on the computer interfere?
    Last edited by NavyLCDR; 22 Jul 2016 at 07:58.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 13
    Thread Starter

    cereberus said:
    Other forums are getting flooded with help requests. It is inevitable that somebody will miss the boat (mixing my metaphors), and if somebody reading this gets prompted into action sooner rather than too late, the comment has value.
    Fair enough!
      My Computer


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