Taskbar color adjustment - intensity, color, hue, saturation?
One surprise in just upgrading from Win 8.1 to 10 is black taskbar and the seeming limit on adjusting colors. It's been a long time since I had to play with it, but with Win 8.1 and back I've had a transparent, semi-clear taskbar, with custom color settings (intensity, hue, saturation and brightness) that let the grey/blue of the bottom of the photo I used for the desktop come through. Is that kind of adjustment completely gone with Win 10? All the colors in Settings seem highly saturated. I came across a website that showed a lot more changes along the lines I am looking for, but its Win 10 settings layout doesn't seem current (Change the Color of Taskbar and Window Border in Windows 10). Thanks,
Last edited by highstream; 20 Jul 2016 at 22:18.